Friday, February 10, 2006


There's been a definite lull in the blog, though there's been no lack of blog-able events going on. I just keep forgetting my camera. (That and I think I blogged myself out on the road trip.)

January was a strange transitional month. I'm in between books, with What Could Be Better Than This in the proof stage, and the challenging Chiru struggling to get into some tangible form on paper. My doll group, ODACT, spent a day in downtown Westport making a display of our dolls in the window of Max's art store on the Post Road-- an impressive ecclectic show of a couple dozen dolls by 6 artists I recommend seeing if you're down that way. I tried a new experimental performance at the Children's Museum of Connecticut in New Haven where I drew the story of The Water Gift and the Pig of the Pig as actress Tory Church read along for 50 or so children and parents. I took a puppet workshop with Dan Hurlin at Wesleyan and was reminded how far I have to go as a puppeteer. Meg and I are planning the next Bad Art Night, and I'm researching material for an SCBWI New England conference workshop I'm giving in April. The next bunch of collage paintings got a good start but now languish on my desk as I sign books that need signing, deliver art that needs delivering, and read contracts and manuscripts that need reading and re-reading.

Drawing: something like an exquisite corpse collaboration between myself and my muse.

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