Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Master Peter

I meant to put this up a long time ago! Thanks to Bob Bresnick for YouTube-ing this video of the Master Peter show we did at Wesleyan University and the Kennedy Center. The puppets were built by Leslie Weinberg and her Wesleyan students, and I built the horse at 4:45. The puppeteers were also all students directed by Bob, except for Don Quixote's right arm, which is me, at 5:44. I miss this show so much.

Watch the other 2 Puppetsweat videos listed too. I didn't put them here because I'm not in them. :)


  1. Really magical and wonderful! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I agree, magical. Ever any narration or speech? Reminds me of the puppetry of the plays of Chikamatsu and, of course, Balinese puppetry. Is this new to the U.S.? I've been out a long time.

  3. Three opera singers sang the dialogue in Spanish, the translated subtitles were projected on a screen above the stage. It was a new show in 2005, it's in storage now waiting for another opportunity.

  4. I had no idea any of these videos existed! This is Jess Lane, aka right arm of the boy! How are you doing Linda?
