Friday, October 03, 2008

Ophelia's dress

There were but a brief few years that I was a full time illustrator. Since 9/11 cut editorial and textbook work short I've always kept part time jobs on the side. One of my latest was assisting the costume designer of the Elm Shakespeare Company, which happened to be ElizaB. There was a lot of hand sewing and measuring of pants, and some more rare experiences, including one night when Alvin Epstein asked me to tie his bow tie for him before the dress rehearsal. Alvin is a most gracious gentleman and a venerated actor. As I was buttoning his collar with great sense of importance, I had a moment of wondering how I came to be here tying the tie of Alvin Epstein. And the answer is: with the same luck and chance as I've come to do all the other wonderful things I've gotten to do, all generated by the annoying fact I haven't been able to make it on children's books alone.

During that job I also got to help ElizaB distress this shiny new red dress of Ophelia's for Hamlet, which was a damn lot of fun. And both Hamlet and Matchmaker which she designed were beautiful. 

A list of jobs I can remember doing, starting at 9  years old:

motel chambermaid
Paramount Pictures ticket checker
bed & breakfast waitress
movie theater popcorn seller & janitor
gourmet produce store clerk
stage hand
fleamarket waitress
wedding caterer's waitress & prep cook
photographer's assistant
children's theater camp councilor
historical reenactment supply store clerk
library book shelver
gift store clerk
river boat waitress
restaurant hostess
theater sound & light board operator
set painter
dish washer
theatrical house manager & company manager
artist driver
house & pet sitter
fire dancer
puppet builder
theater usher
assistant stage manager
university puppet teacher
high school circus teacher
head shop clerk
elementary school visiting artist
go go dancer
roller disco dancer
community dance residency project manager
assistant costumer (and bow tie tie-er)
costume shop stitcher

If anyone remembers any more let me know. 


  1. Linda, you are and will probably always be my favorite illustrator! I would give you a hundred picture books to illustrate if I could. I'm a shameless admirer!

    In the meantime, I've nominated you for the I Love Your Blog Award - see my blog for details. :)

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Your jobs have certainly been interesting...however, I am sure it would be more interesting to you to be able to make a living on your wonderful illustrations alone.

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

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