Thursday, March 21, 2013


I hate not doing things right. It's a real problem. It keeps me from doing things I don't do perfectly, which is a lot of things.

I've been venturing out into some new things lately, many that turned out to be things I didn't do so well. I guess naturally that brings you to a place of seeing a lot more of your own weaknesses than you do when you're gliding along in the places and activities you're familiar with. It can be kind of shocking if you haven't roamed from your comfortable habits in a while.

(Reminder to myself: make sure to regularly roam out of your comfortable habits.)

When the new rollergirls I coach get frustrated with falling down, I tell them how encouraged I am to see them on the floor. If you aren't falling, you aren't learning, I say. Why is it so much harder to say that to myself?

I am imperfect.

Somehow today I'm going to make myself love the sound of that phrase.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I think it would also be a good idea if you’ll consider reviewing business books from different authors across the world; I’ve been looking for a review on “The Top 5 Best Countries to Invest in Africa” for a long time, but in vain.

    I have no reservation that I am not the only one who has been looking for other business related reviews (On many other business books) – Thus, do reflect on sharing with us on this site.
    Thank you.
