Friday, August 25, 2006

fairy magic

I've felt guilty enough that my blog hasn't been much about picture book illustration lately, and now that I have to come up with a picture book topic every week for the Blue Rose Girls Blog, it's even harder to come up with another for this blog.

It's not that I don't think about picture books anymore-- I do all the time. But maybe because I've been thinking about it for so long, nothing I come up with seems interesting or revelatory.

But here's a nice thing that happened this week in addition to the arrival of my 6th book. Yesterday I found another mysterious cardboard box on my porch. Again I scrambled to remember what I might have impulse ordered online one late night. But it was a lovely collection of all the new stationary products Peaceable Kingdom Press has made of one piece of art I did for them a while ago. These three little fairies have taken off and multiplied over a dozen cards, gift tags, bags, posters, stationary, etc. It's a very welcomed surprise.

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