Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dr. Sketchy & Fire Show

I am really proud of this one. The Advocate newspaper asked me to gather up Polly Sonic's Fiery Circus again for a music night they regularly curate during the Ideat Village fringe festival in New Haven, and this time I also added an outdoor Dr. Sketchy and New Haven Circus Collective happening.

We narrowly missed a tornado a few miles south of us, ended up with blue skies and an incredible turnout of spectators, volunteers, sketchers, street performers, fire dancers, and TEN beautifully dressed models. I found myself managing a real three ring circus, but I'd luckily put my most trusted allies in charge of each ring with an inspiring number of friends willing to help, and found we could create a pretty fantastic event together. A reporter there who's been following Sketchy and NHCC kept asking me as I ran manically around the plaza "So would you say tonight is the birth of the Circus Collective?" I kept dodging him, until the end, when I finally stopped to look around and realized "Yes, yes it is!"

I brought out my little circus set again and it's getting more Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus as I add to it. What I really want is a small cart that can unfold like that...

Great photos below by William Skrainski, J. Adametz, and ElizaB. More here.

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