Sunday, October 30, 2005

a room of one's own

New Haven City Wide Open Studios alternative space 2005: Olin Metals Factory. CWOS has become an important annual event for me in the 4 years I've been doing it. I usually make some good money, but I also inevitably make new connections with people who become great supporters, mentors and friends.

This year I volunteered to be a site coordinator so I could be more involved with the organization, and also so I could score a sweet space. I got this lovely little room to myself, which gave me the opportunity to turn it into a mystical chamber of fairy-tale-esque ambiance. Sort of!

Photo: Friday, mad rush to get everything hung. A very bare space that needs to turn into a gallery and book museum within a few hours. I've brought in my mom and worked her butt off. She thinks to take a picture of the space in progress. Here I'm working on the Book Museum, a 21 foot time line of the progression of a book, or at least the illustration part, from first tiny doodles to final painting. Ambitious.

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