Dr. Mark Altman, hand surgeon, a genius, and so extrordinarily calm and assuring. The only doctor who's succeeded in putting me at ease which is a miracle. And he does brilliant work. He is awesome.
Lisa Cyr, occupational therapist, hand therapist. The first day I saw her right after they'd pulled out my pins her kindness, patience and optimism kept me from passing out. Another miracle. Therapy appointments are something I look forward to because of her. And she's got my hand starting to work again.
Margaret Carl, nurse and stage manager, who hooked me up with these hand fixers, went out of her way to be with me at every doctor visit, and has been my mentor and supporter even at the same time as running our Christmas show. She's been a savior for Karl and me and our theater company for a long time, and is the one who brought me into Puppetsweat and the Quarry, which are other great stories for another time. Margaret is the ultimate miracle worker.
Mike, my therapy partner, a right handed young artist and tree cutter, who damaged his right hand falling out of a tree with a chainsaw a week or so before my accident. His amazing light hearted spirit, humor and encouragement has been an inspiration.
I am a very, very lucky bird.
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